MIT provides a cost efficient ways by integrating sound level meter and created an uninterrupted and continuous monitoring for your construction site needs. MIT’s proprietary M.I.R.T system and web based platform which we called it Monitoring In Real Time system provides a solutions to lower manpower cost for monitoring noise emitting from construction sites and to complies with the regulatory requirement for National Environment Agency (NEA) regulations.
The Wireless Real-Time Construction Noise Monitoring System consists of Class 1 Sound Level Meter (IEC 61672 Compliant) and using 4G high speed cellular modem to transmit “LIVE” noise readings to our platform every 5 minutes and more details analysis like LEQ5min, LEQ1H, LEQ12H, Dose% and predicative LEQ5max all in a single platform. You can also print directly from the website for generation of noise report for NEA submission.
Lastly, using solar-powered and backup battery to ensure the system operation integrity for uninterrupted and continuous throughout your projects requirement. On-site troubleshooting for the system during breakdown will also be available to minimize and reduce the “break-down time” will be available too.
Construction Noise Control
Maximum permissible noise levels for construction work commenced on or after 1 October 2007.
No-work rule on Sundays and public holidays.
In addition to establishing permissible noise limits, NEA has also implemented rules which prohibit work on Sundays and public holidays for construction sites located within 150m of residential premises and noise-sensitive premises. The rules are as follows:
a) Construction work commenced on, or after 1 September 2010
No work is allowed from 10pm on Saturdays or eves of public holidays to 10am on Sundays or public holidays.
b) Construction work commenced on, or after 1 September 2011
No work is allowed from 10pm on Saturdays or eves of public holidays to 7am on the following Mondays or days after public holidays.
From 1 January 2017, NEA will allow selected construction sites to carry out quieter forms of work on selected Sundays and public holidays. Contractors must obtain a permit from NEA before carrying out such works, which will be granted only for specific construction phases and on a case-by-case basis, subject to stringent conditions.
NEA Construction Noise Control click here
by National Environment Agency (NEA)
With effect from 1 Apr 2019, for more details click here for the list.
*The list may not be updated from time to time thus refer it at your own discreet.
We also provide services as follows
- * Noise Impact Assessment
- * Boundary noise study / Noise baseline study
- * Workplace noise monitoring
- * Air conditioning and mechanical ventilation systems (ACMV) noise monitoring
- * Noise barrier insertion loss report
- * 3D noise modelling and mapping
- * Dominant noise investigation study